Wednesday, July 8, 2009

July 8, 2009

Charlie Chaplin said, " A day without laughter is a day wasted." This is my new mantra. I read somewhere that a health study determined that we need 12 laughs a day to stay healthy. As well as it will make you and everyone around you feel good. I know that when I laugh I feel better. And here is my story and how making laughter a priority came to be.

I have always had a good sense of humor. I attribute that to my mother. I raised my kids to have a good sense of humor. It was important to me that they could laugh at themselves. And they can.

Over the course of the last 9 years, it became evident I was laughing less and less each day. When it was time to move on from that life, I decided that my only goal was that I was going to spend the rest of my life laughing. Keep in mind I have a lot of short term goals, however if on the day I die I can say from that defining moment in 2008, I have laughed every day with my kids, my friends, my family, my coworkers and even perfect strangers, well then, what a joy filled life I have had. The last 18 months have been a difficult time for me. I can't imagine being able to get myself through it without laughter. I don't believe I am back on the good side of life yet, however I can see it in the distance and it is getting closer. I attibute this to an terrific set of kids, an excellent shrink and Dr. J, a new friend of mine that keeps me laughing!!!

As I made this a priority, I have been more aware of the people around me. It is sad, but very few people smile anymore. No one wants to make eye contact with anyone, no one walks alone or even in the company of someone else with a smile on their face. I challenge anyone reading this to spend tomorrow with a smile on their face for the entire day. Make eye contact with people on the street and say hello. You will be amazed at how terrific it makes you feel.

I took my kids to see KOOZA, Cirque du Soleil, tonight. It was a terrific show. However, on the way home in the car with the music turned up loud and all of us singing, grooving and laughing together was the best part of the evening. I can honestly say there is nothing better than a family filled with laughter.

Please try to spend the entire day tomorrow smiling, wishing you many moments of laughter until next time.



  1. Smiles are definately contagious. Smiling back at you!!!!

  2. I think you are working really hard to become Mom's favorite, and I don't like it one bit...tee hee hee.
