Wednesday, July 22, 2009

July 22, 2009

I found a quote today, "If every word I said could make you laugh, I'd talk forever.." the author is anonymous.

I would like to use this blog to make you laugh. So here goes my first in a series of real stories:

My friend Dr. J and I were having coffee in St. Paul. We were discussing my middle child's (SJH) opposition to fur coats. I was telling Dr. J that I was so proud of SJH as she had so much conviction and felt strongly about the subject. However I was a little disappointed that she did not want my coat.

I should tell you the conversation started because I was recounting a discussion SJH and I were having about me leaving SJH my full length sheared beaver coat when I die (don't be to harsh in your judgement of me owning a fur coat).

I was telling Dr. J that I love my fur coat. That I can remember as a child my grandmother wearing hers on special occasions. She would dress up, have her hair done and don her fur coat. And when I wear mine it brings back some very fond memories of my grandma.

So as the people in the coffee shop are chattering away I tell Dr. J in my very robust, passionate about this subject voice "IS THE WORLD REALLY WORSE OFF BECAUSE I HAVE A BEAVER???"""

I of course did not realize what I said at first, Dr. J about fell off her chair and the entire coffee shop went quiet.

Wishing you many moments of laughter until next time....


1 comment:

  1. "Huh?" "What did you say?" "Can you speak up?" "Repeat that please, because I can't hear you?"

    I have no conviction, so you can leave the coat to me. Problem solved!!!

    The smartest girl you know
